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Sleeping Beauty - the ugly truth - By Andrew Oxspring and Ian Faraday

Sleeping Beauty The Ugly Truth
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book with CD
Category: All Year Round Musical Play - Edgy Productions
Order Code: EP106


Product Description

When Bella Vista - a kingdom obsessed with looks, trendy fashions and celebrity gossip - falls foul of a witch’s curse, it’s down to a humble gardener armed only with green fingers and good intentions to save the day.

With fantastic songs and a hilarious script, this delightful twist on a popular fairytale hammers home the message that top-notch clothes and hairstyles are no substitute for an honest heart full of love!

The Book and CD Pack includes full script with staging tips; a CD of vocal tracks, backing tracks, continuity music and sound effects; and a piano score with voice line and guitar chords.

The CD-ROM pack version replaces the wire-bound A4 book and includes the script and score in both PDF and MS Word files on the CD-ROM, allowing you to re-write or individualise the text, dialogue and lyrics to suit your needs; and to print as many scripts as you require from your PC (the CD-ROM pack also includes an audio CD of music as with the Book and CD version).

Also available is a CD-ROM of Digital Backdrops containing five images (Palace/Brochure Cover, Throne Room, Kitchen, Rose Garden Scene, Hedge of Thorns Scene) in the sequence they are required throughout the script, supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files. No more scenery painting! These images may be projected onto a screen or wall at the back of your stage or hand them to a local printer to print onto large boards or sheets in order to create your stage backdrops. They're also useful to print off for cast and stage crew to familiarise themselves with the sets and scene changes.

Approximate Duration: 60 minutes


1) Crumbs From The Table
2) Celebrity Status
3) A Million Miles Apart
4) Let’s Have A Party
5) Sleep
6) Rise And Shine
7) Look Inside

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