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Jack's In His Box - By Ali Dee

Jacks In His Box
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book with CD
Category: All Year Round Musical Play - Kevin Mayhew
Order Code: 3612426

Bestseller KS1 CD

Product Description

Jack's in his box … but wishes he could pop up and pop out to play with Tilly. Strange and wonderful things happen when his wish comes true! This magical musical for 4-7 year olds has 10 catchy songs, many of which can stand alone to be used throughout the year for different purposes - action songs, songs about weather, toys & play and songs to play instruments to.

Included are additional activities to link to these songs - activities to support your work across the curriculum in your classroom or for children to explore on their own. This musical can particularly be used to support key aspects of the KS1 PHSE and Citizenship curriculum, using it to explore concepts such as our place in the world, concern for others, responsibility, fairness, feelings. It opens up the possibilities of looking at differences and disability, thinking about children who may feel different or left out for whatever reason, and the emotions around those issues.

CD of backing and vocal tracks also included.


1) Teddy Bear Waltz (Dance)
2) Jack’s In His Box
3) How I Wish
4) Magic Fairy Dust (Dance)
5) Just Can’t Put My Finger On It
6) Jack’s In His Box . . . But Not For Long!
7) Wobbly Jack (Dance)
8) Playing In All Kinds Of Weather
9) Teddy’s Grump (1)
10) Puddles! (Dance)
11) Rainy Days
12) Teddy’s Grump (2)
13) Click Bricks
14) Teddy’s Grump (3)
15) Treasure-Box Of Sounds
16) Teddy’s Grump (4)
17) The Water Play Is Open
18) What A Day!
19) Jack’s In His Box (Reprise)
20) Teddy’s Grump (5)
21) What A Day! (Reprise)
22) It’s Playtime!

Cast List

Tilly (seven speaking lines)
Jack (three speaking lines)
3 Narrators (four speaking lines each - could be shared among more children)
Doll (eight speaking lines)
Dad (two speaking lines)
Chorus (fourteen speaking lines - often only one word) … could be all children or a small group
2 or more children to play in "Rainy Days" puddles
2 or more children to play in "The Water Play Is Open"
2 or more children to help collect bricks in "Click bricks"
Various Toys, Teddies, Children (chorus, songs, actions, dance)
Teddy Bears / Toys to dance
Fairy / Fairies to dance
Children to dance in puddles
Pirates (any number)
Children to dress as or hold up weather symbols - sunshine, rain, wind and ice
Orchestra - musicians to play weather sounds (sunshine, rain), kitchen utensils and additional percussions for dance music

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