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Assemblies Alive - Key Stage 1

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Assemblies Alive
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book with CD
Category: Songbooks
Publisher: Starshine Music
Order Code: 9781907395079

Bestseller KS1 CD

‘I would definitely recommend Assemblies Alive KS1 as a valuable resource to have in a school. It links with and enhances the SEAL curriculum and provides songs linked to moral/social issues that often have to be faced in a school community.’  - AB, Edgware, London.

Product Description

Not only is this a set of ready-made assemblies for Key Stage One, it's also an excellent songbook in its own right, as well as containing 15 great stories for reading aloud and PSHE. A truly multi-purpose resource!

Each age-appropriate assembly contains 1) a story, 2) a song and 3) discussion/reflection points - all written to complement each other. An immense amount of thought and skill has gone into every aspect of this package, to make it inclusive, relevant and interesting. The response from schools has been exceptional, so 'Assemblies Alive' comes highly recommended!

The writers, all experienced headteachers and teachers, have drawn upon a wealth of experience in schools to produce this exciting new resource. Each of the 15 songs is accompanied by a story and set of reflective questions supporting the theme of the song.

 'A wonderful compendium of assembly songs and linked themes, great for foundation upwards. The stories cover a multitude of important PSHE themes, the songs are rhythmic, lively and easily learnt. A must for any multi faith, multicultural, school looking for inspiration and modern assembly work.'
Abigail Wilkes – Music Teacher, Leicestershire.

The CD provides full vocal demonstrations by children for easy teaching and instrumental backing tracks with clear melody cues for performance.


1) First Day
2) Stick To The Rules
3) One Day At A Time
4) Hold On Slow Down
5) Round The Corner
6) Lets Say No
7) How Can I Make A Difference
8) Think About
9) The Blame Game
10) A What If Monster
11) Step Away From The Chocolate
12) This Is The Place Where We Live
13) No-One Likes A Big Head
14) Your Way Or My Way
15) Every Step Counts

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